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The Presidential Atatürk Villa Museum The Atatürk Villa Museum located inside the Presidential Çankaya compound is the house which Mustafa Kemal Atatürk used as a residence and working place between 1921 and 1932. The building which is the first Presidential Residence of the Turkish Republic was opened to visitors in 1950 and called as the Atatürk Villa Museum since then. The building and the objects inside of it were innovated as a part of a comprehensive study carried out between 2002–2007. 48 The Atatürk Villa Museum which can be visited with a guide, adopts the idea of reflecting the life and habits of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk inside the villa and aims at making visitors feel like the life inside the house still continues. Address: Ziya-ülRahman Cad.5No’luNizamiye Yıldız-Çankaya/ANK. Phone: (312)4702485–86 Fax:(312)4701341 Visiting days: Everday except Mondays (reservation is required) Can be visited between 13.00 and 17.00 during the weekends and official holidays without reservation. The Çengel Han Rahmi M.Koç Museum It is the first industry museum of Ankara. The bazaar which is used as the museum building was constructed in 1522. Çengelhan which is known to be an affiliate of a foundation of Damat Rüstem Paşa, the son in law of Suleyman, the lawgiver, is among the rare buildings that maintained its authentic structure in the bazaar region of Ankara. This bazaar is located across the main entrance of the Ankara Castle and close to covered bazaars in a location which was called as Atpazarı (Horse Bazaar) in the old days. Çengelhan, one of the four biggest bazaars of its time, also played host to a shop where the founder of the Koç Holding, Vehbi Koç, entered the business life. The bazaar is reconstructed according to its original plan during the renovation activities carried out between 2003 and 2005. More than 4.000 objects reflecting the history of various different industrial sectors varying from maritime sector to highway transportation, from aviation to medicine are displayed in 32 rooms of the museum. Objects also showed rich variety in terms of size and small models as well as steam engines and classical cars are displayed together in the museum. Address: Necatibey Caddesi Depo Sok No: 1 Altındağ-ANK. Phone: (312) 309 68 00 Faks: (312) 309 12 10 Visiting Days: Everyday except Mondays. Open between: Hafta içi : 10.00–17.00 Hafta sonu: 10.00–18.00 (1 Ekim- 31 Mart) 10.00–19.00 (1 Nisan- 30 Eylül)