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HOME BACK NEXT Service A spotlight on service has delivered improved passenger satisfaction in 2012/13. Quality of Service Monitoring (QSM) Customer service > Accreditation was gained for the new market research standard ISO 20252. > Melbourne further strengthened its service commitment with five out of the six key customer service indicators increasing throughout the year. > Service levels improved at Melbourne with overall airport experience for the international terminal increasing to 4.15 out of 5. > More than 14,000 passengers were interviewed in Terminals 2, 3 and 4. > Melbourne became the first airport in the world to gain accreditation to the International Customer Service Standard 2010-2014. > Melbourne’s six key indicators are ambience, cleaning, crowding, information and way-finding, facility availability, and courtesy and helpfulness. > Melbourne and Launceston will continue to work to improve the level of service delivered 16 APAC ANNUAL REPORT 2012 APAC ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Technology Focus on Asia Technology is playing an increasingly important role in delivering great customer service across APAC’s operations. The emphasis on key growth markets remains at Melbourne as the focus moved from being ‘China ready’ to ‘China friendly’. Initiatives introduced during the year included: > Additional Mandarin speaking staff appointed as part of the volunteer Customer Care program. > Self-service kiosks – part of a wider program to streamline the passenger experience, and in conjunction with Air New Zealand, self-service kiosks and automatic bag drops were successfully introduced in Melbourne’s international terminal. > SmartGate – in close collaboration with Customs, additional SmartGate technology was installed in Melbourne’s international arrivals area. > Car parking online – an online booking facility was introduced at Melbourne that enables customers to pre-book and pre-pay for car parking. > Public announcements in Mandarin at Melbourne’s international departures international screening point to provide real time updates and further guide passengers. Customer service awards The Melbourne Airport Customer Service Awards were introduced to recognise the number of organisations that contribute to APAC’s daily operations and success. Inaugural winners were announced at an awards ceremony with more than two hundred APAC staff and nominees attending. > Further cultural training for APAC and front line staff. > Mandarin classes for APAC staff. APAC ANNUAL REPORT 2013 17