Melanina Winter 2017 | Page 3

Editor's Note

“You’re too dark to be Latina”. “Where’d you learn to speak Spanish so well?”. Growing up, like so many Afro-Latinas, I faced the constant challenge of being denied the benefits of identifying with the Latin culture. Most of the challenges were from others: my American side of the family, strangers and sometimes friends. They rejected the notion that someone wrapped in chocolate skin could actually identify as a Hispanic American.

Hola women of the diaspora and welcome to the second edition of Melanina!

Melanina, meaning “melanin” in Spanish, is a magazine that highlights social and political issues that affect women of the African and Latin Diaspora. It’s a safe place where we look at beauty, fashion and health as it specifically pertains to those who are melanin-rich.

Our diversity and uniqueness are celebrated as we display the range of our skin tones and variance of hair textures.

The distinction of our curves and swag of our movements are accented in fashion tips that flatter the young woman who dares to be culturally astute and boldly in vogue.

In our second edition we discuss Trump and Black America, we look at beauty tips to sustain our locks and we indulge in the poetic voice of a proud Afro-Latina.

¡Gracias y diviértete!

Chelsea Mina

(Editor in Chief)