Melange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine July 2020 | Page 81

Resurrecting modest high school drawing skills which lay buried for years, and armed with his toy concept, Kevin drew and later created his first set of toys in 2018 – stuffed toys reflecting Caribbean culture. Action figures soon followed along the same Caribbeanesque theme. Action figures representing cricket players and soccer players. Stuffed toys of steel-pan players, drummers and also cricketers – players on the West Indies cricket team and also India cricket team are represented. Kevin’s first attempt at creating a cultural experience for children through toys was hugely successful. He is currently working on a full line of Caribbean-inspired superheroes which should be ready for release in August 2020. So far, the response to his line of toys both local and abroad has been encouraging. Kevin’s most recent project is a series of children’s games, novel Caribbean-based content “promoting an interest, love and knowledge of the rest of the Caribbean Community.” His “Carey and Cassie’s Caribbean Adventures” by Tamboulay, merges education and adventure in an online setting for young children. This trivia game takes each player to various Caribbean countries, allowing them to learn about its features, history and culture. Each level of the game makes virtual collectible tokens available to the players with each token being unique to a particular country. Through the game, Carey and Cassie explores the jungles of Guyana, Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago, Grand Etang Lake in Grenada, Harrisons Cave in Barbados, scuba diving in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the Piton Mountains in St. Lucia, cane fields in St. Kitts, the rivers and waterfalls in Dominica, Cricket stadiums in Antigua, the Blue Mountains in Jamaica and Old Havana in Cuba. This is quite the journey! Children can learn about other Caribbean countries in a fun, safe, educational way, without leaving their homes. The game is currently available on Android, iOS and Facebook. Also under the Tamboulay umbrella are children’s fiction books, one of which can be seen enjoyed in audio/visual format: “Tamboulay’s Anansi: King of The Jungle.” accessable on Tamboulay’s website and social media.