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baking healthy

When we talk about baking the first thing that comes to our minds is sugar, butter, flour and all the sweet stuff, but the thing that we do not know is that too much sugar and fat can lead to diabetes, tooth decay and heart disease. To avoid that here I show you how to bake healthier.

First, make you own bread to use less salt. Using a whole grain flour instead of white flour will increase the fiber content and it would make your baking more satisfying to eat. You can add a teaspoon or less of salt and flour will keep your loaf within government targets for commercial loaves, but the less you use, the better.

A second idea is to reduce the fat in your pastry. Picking a pastry can make a big difference to the amount of fat in your baking, but with these tips you can lower the fat content. Using a sunflower spread rather than butter will lower the amount of fat in your pastry. Putting a small amount of your pastry on your plate also will lower the saturated fat.

A third idea is to add fruits. Adding fruits to your dessert will make your dessert more delicious and healthy. You can take pieces of your favorite fruits and add it on your dessert and save some to put it on top. Take three or four bananas cut them in half and put it into the freezer for 3 or 4 hours. Then add these frozen pieces into the food processor and puree the bananas. You can serve it like this or put it in the freezer to consume later.

We know that it's hard for us to eat food with less sugar, salt and fat, but with these tips that I gave you your food, dessert or cake will taste more delicious and you will not stop eating them.