MEGAzine 1 | Page 31

The place where I went for drink was like a big matchbox. Red colored outside the bar was attractive enough and its shabby wall showed me how many histories it had. Entering without hesitation, exciting Irish music flowed to inside of my heart right away. My heart started beating as if I would be in the 19c when they were suffering from Irish famine. It’s not much to say that I flew to Dublin to see and feel the Irish normal life, such as talking over a Guinness, getting rain-soaked. And I was just at the right place named temple bar where I could feel I became a half-Irish. In order not to awake from a dream, I went quickly to get another Irish thing. As soon as I came up to barman, he said, “Hi there? Want some drink?” To be honest I couldn’t understand what he said at that moment. It was more difficult than I expected to understand Irish accent. I just said what people said to him exactly. When I got my very first Guinness, an old man was staring at me with a smile. “Cheers!” I whispered with holding my glass up and sat next to the window. Although it was very noisy since the bar was full of music and chattering, I felt very comfortable by just looking at them.