mega-news issue 4 | Page 7

Understanding the Pshychologic of Tweens

Do you realise that teen pretend to be having a good time and gather around friends and laugh together when they're around crushes? Just like girls, boys also do this. They gather around with their friends and laugh together, they also say things like they're rich, they're popular and they just got a new...... blah blah blah.

There are 2 possibilities for these actions:

A) They are trying to impress their crushes with good socializing skills and trying to show that they are super fun.

They think that just because they have impressed their crush, their crush will consider liking them. back. This may sound weird but this is what a teen's psychologic is! You might do this without even knowing it around your crushes.

B) They don't want to let others and their crush know that they like him or her because of a reason. They want their crushes to think that they are so out of league for their crushes. When they do this, they have a mindset that their crush definitely does not like them. Thus, they think that they can stop liking their crush. Yeah... their goal is to stop liking their crush so no one will know about their crush.

Yup, hope you enjoy this post.and hope you can understand the psychological reason behind the actions of teens around their crushes. :)