MEGA K MAY 2013 | Page 3

1 . Introduction

Improper handling of demolition of buildings or structures gives rise to many hazards . From August 2007 to February 2008 , three workers were fatally injured in demolition-related accidents .
These hazards include falling from elevated work surfaces , exposure to hazardous substances , poor lighting , electrical hazards , falling objects , confined space , etc . In addition , risks incurred during demolition such as overloading , improper removal of bracing members can cause instability to structural members . Dismantling building elements which have already deteriorated or damaged over the building life cycle ; weaknesses in building materials , presence of asbestos-containing materials also have to be considered prior to commencement of demolition work .
To ensure that such hazards are properly managed and the potential risks minimised , adequate and practicable measures must be taken before and during demolition work . This is to prevent the accidental collapse of any part of the building or structure , and to ensure that the safety of workers , the public and neighbouring properties are safeguarded .
The purpose of this Technical Advisory is to provide practical guidance on measures to be taken to ensure the safety and health of all persons involved in or exposed to risks arising from demolition work .