Demolition work should be carefully planned before work starts so it can be carried out safely . Planning involves identifying hazards , assessing risks and determining appropriate control measures in consultation with all relevant persons involved in the work , including the principal contractor , demolition contractor , structural engineers and mobile plant operators .
A demolition plan should be prepared for all demolitions where there are a number of other persons conducting a business or undertaking ( for example , subcontractors ) involved . If the demolition contractor is also the principal contactor , the demolition plan should be incorporated as part of the WHS management plan .
Appendix B provides further information on what a demolition plan may include .
3.1 Notifiable demolition work
Regulation 142
A person conducting a business or undertaking who proposes to carry out the following demolition work must give written notice to the regulator at least 5 days before any of the following work commences :
• demolition of a structure , or a part of a structure that is load bearing or otherwise related to the physical integrity of the structure , that is at least 6 metres in height
• demolition work involving load shifting machinery on a suspended floor
• demolition work involving explosives .
The height of a structure is measured from the lowest level of the ground immediately adjacent to the base of the structure to its highest point .
The type of information which would normally be included in the notification would be :
• the name and contact details of the person conducting the business or undertaking
• if the high risk construction work is in connection with a construction project , the name and contact details of the principal contractor for the project or the principal contractor ’ s representative
• the name and contact details of the person directly supervising the work
• the date of the notice
• the nature of the demolition
• whether explosives will be used in carrying out the work and , if so , the licence details of the person who is to use the explosives
• when the person conducting the business or undertaking reasonably believes the work is to commence and to be completed
• where the work is to be carried out .
In the circumstances where an emergency services organisation directs one or more of its workers to carry out notifiable demolition work for the purposes of rescuing and / or providing first aid to a person , the organisation must provide a written notice to the relevant regulator as soon as reasonably practicable before or during the demolition work , or if this is not reasonably practicable after the demolition work is carried out .