The wire rope , sling or chain should be long enough to ensure that the horizontal distance from the demolition work to the pulling medium is at least twice the height of the highest part to be pulled . No person should be in any position where they could be struck by the wire rope , sling or chain in the event of a failure . The plant operator should be protected from rope breakage and flying debris . Exclusion zones should be established where necessary to protect the safety of people who are working on or in the vicinity of the demolition work .
Before pulling of a wall commences , the wall should be cut into appropriate sections having regard to their height , width and construction . If it is not possible to isolate these sections , the chains or wire ropes should be attached to their respective sections prior to the first pull being made . The free ends of the chains or ropes should be left a safe distance from the structure . Vertical reinforcing bars should not be cut until after the wall has been pulled over .
All wire rope , slings and chains used in mechanical demolition should comply with the relevant Australian Standards .
5.4 Using explosives
Construction work that involves the use of explosives is defined by the WHS Regulations as ‘ high risk construction work ’ and a SWMS must be prepared before this work commences .
A competent person experienced in the controlled application of explosives for the purpose of carrying out the demolition should be consulted before deciding whether explosives may be used for demolition .
Explosives must not be used to induce the collapse of any structure unless approved by the regulatory authority .
All possession , storage , handling and use of explosives must be carried out in compliance with the relevant dangerous substances / goods or explosives legislation applicable in your state or territory .
The transport of explosives must be in accordance with the Australian Code for the Transport of Explosives by Road and Rail .
Explosives must only be used by a competent person who is licensed in the use of explosives and has experience in the work to be undertaken . If explosives are used in demolition work , a licensed competent person must develop the blast management plan and be responsible for all aspects of the use of explosives in the demolition .
If explosives are planned to be used in demolition work , a notification must be made to the regulator ( see section 3.1 of this Code ).
For further information on the planning and use of explosives for demolition work , refer to AS 2601 : The demolition of structures and AS 2187.2 : Explosives - Storage and use .