Prior to commencing roof demolition or dismantling , you should consider : •fall hazards •structural stability
• condition and strength of the roofing material and the identification of fragile roofing
• identification of fragile panels or skylights in solid roofs
•crane access
• safe worker access and egress
• fall protection requirements including issues such as perimeter protection , the availability and strength of anchor points for static lines , inertia reels and lanyards and the suitability of roof structure for the use of safety nets
• means of rescuing persons from safety nets or safety harnesses
• the condition of any roof mesh or safety mesh
• methods of raising and lowering equipment and materials
• assessment of manual handling problems
• electrical safety including the location of nearby power lines
• worker competency and training needs .
Fragile roofs Before working on the roof , the roof should be inspected to identify that it is structurally adequate to work on and whether there is any brittle material or if the roof has a fragile aspect to it ( for example , a skylight or worn section ).
Brittle or fragile roofing material can include roofing made of asbestos cement , cellulose cement , glass panels , fibreglass , acrylic or other similar synthetic moulded or fabricated material used to sheath a roof or contained in a roof .
If asbestos cement roofing is involved , the work must be undertaken in accordance with the asbestos related requirements of the WHS Regulations . Further information can be found in the Code of Practice : How to Safely Remove Asbestos .
Where it is necessary for work to be carried out or adjacent to any part of a fragile roof , you should :
• inspect the underside of the roof to determine the extent of the fragile roof material , the existence of any safety mesh and its fixings , and the structural soundness of the roof material
• complete the work from a temporary work platform
• provide temporary walkways as a means of access to and egress from any work area on the roof where permanent walkways are not provided
• secure and fix cleats to walkways on high pitch roofs ( for example , where the slope of the roof exceeds 1:6 )
• provide temporary roof ladders for steep roofs ( for example , in excess of 35 degrees )
• provide other fall protection as necessary ( for example , work positioning or fall arrest system ).