SYNTHETIC MINERAL FIBRES Synthetic mineral fibres are used extensively for insulation in building walls and ceilings as well as on items such as air-conditioning duct work . The specific material should be identified and control measures implemented relevant to the manufacturer ’ s instructions .
PPE should be provided to workers and worn when insulation is being removed during the demolition process and dust should be suppressed by damping down .
4.3 Securing the work area
EXCLUSION ZONES To protect workers undertaking demolition activities , exclusion zones should be considered to prevent unauthorised personnel entering work areas .
A system to prevent falling objects impacting on workers should be implemented to protect the safety of people who are working on or in the vicinity of the demolition work . In particular , any area where a falling object might reasonably be expected to land should be designated an exclusion zone . The enclosed and / or protected area should extend horizontally to a safe distance beyond the overhead work area .
Planning for exclusion zones should take into consideration :
• erecting secure impassable barricades with adequate signage and appropriate lock out procedures to prevent unauthorised pedestrian or vehicular access to the area
• providing information to workers and other persons at the workplace advising them of the status of the exclusion zones , and
• providing supervision so that no unauthorised person enters an exclusion zone .
Exclusion zones and safe distances may be required during :
• the stripping , removal and / or dropping of debris
• the operation of demolition plant or equipment
• pre-weakening activities for a deliberate collapse
• the deliberate collapse or pulling over of buildings or structures .
PUBLIC ACCESS AND PROTECTION Adequate public safety should be maintained in public places and areas adjoining the workplace as the work progresses ( e . g . roads , walkways ). Where demolition work is adjacent to a public place and there is a risk of falling debris or hazardous noise , a method of protection should be selected and :
• erected before the commencement of demolition work
• kept in position at all times during the progress of the work
• regularly inspected and maintained .
Control measures to isolate the work from the public may include installing hoarding such as security fencing , containment sheets and mesh , an overhead protective structure , road closures and specified exclusion zones .