3.5 Demolition licensing
A licence is required to undertake some demolition work . Demolition licensing is part of the National Occupational Licensing System ( NOLS ) and you will need to seek advice from your local WHS regulator and the National Occupational Licensing Authority ( NOLA ) 1 as to whether you or any other person undertaking the demolition work will require a licence for the work to be undertaken .
OTHER LICENCES Depending on the type of work being done there may be a need for persons to hold the relevant licence , for example to carry out asbestos removal work , high risk work or use explosives .
3.6 Asbestos registers and licensing
Regulation 422 , 425
Regulation 458
The person with management or control of a workplace must ensure so far as is reasonable , that all asbestos or ( ACM ) at the workplace ( or assumed present ) is identified by a competent person and an asbestos register is prepared for the workplace . The asbestos register must be kept up-to-date .
A person conducting a business or undertaking that commissions the removal of asbestos must ensure that the asbestos removal work is carried out by a licensed asbestos removalist who is appropriately licensed to carry out the work , unless specified in the WHS Regulations that a licence is not required .
There are two types of licences : Class A and Class B . The class of licence required will depend on the type and quantity of asbestos or ( ACM ) or asbestos contaminated dust or debris ( ACD ) that is being removed at a workplace as set out in Table 1 below .
Type of licence
What asbestos can be removed ?
Class A Can remove any amount or quantity of asbestos or ACM , including :
• any amount of friable asbestos or ACM
• any amount of ACD ,
Class B Can remove :
• any amount of non-friable asbestos or ACM .
• any amount of non-friable asbestos or ACM ( Note : A Class B licence is required for removal of more than 10m 2 of non-friable asbestos or ACM but the licence holder can also remove up to 10m 2 of non-friable asbestos or ACM ),
• ACD associated with the removal of non-friable asbestos or ACM ( Note : A Class B licence is required for removal of ACD associated with the removal of more than 10m ² of non-friable asbestos or ACM but the licence holder can also remove ACD associated with removal of up to 10m ² of non friable asbestos or ACM .
Note : This system is in transition www . nola . gov . au