Mega Artists Magazine 1 | Page 21

MEGA ARTIST Issue no: 01 It ma y be usefu le an l if w d mo e ‘KL st po AP’ d liticia ART umb and w ns ov er th ake t e hea hem up fo d wit rever h . ” peop Where was Mrs. Franks born? In Johannesburg; 8th January 1957, same time as my unidentical twin sister... How was your upbringing like? ” Would you please tell us and other people out there, what skill in the ART realm do you posses? I experienced suburban and farm life, ballet(my mother) and horses(my father), with 5 sisters... I design/sew (self-taught)/mixed media / product development (eg. small crafts / permanent outdoor seating) I am a good teacher and affirmer of creativity, especially in/among youth, using the arts. What kind of a child was Mrs. Franks like, during her youth? In which category of visual artists would you say you fall under? Hmm, my nickname was ‘PREOCCUPIED’...I was always busy doing something or the other, especially things I could do by myself, reading, making, sewing, drawing, out with the dogs or with the horses. Fine Arts. What other artistic skill do you know or would you want yo know? I regret not knowing more about graphic and digital art. August 2014 Page 19