Meetings made in Germany 1-2013 | Page 40

“ The ECTRIMS congress was a great success : the venue and the DüsseldorfCongress team proved a perfect choice and reliable partner in every way .”

Professor Dr . Hans-Peter Hartung , President of the Society and ECTRIMS congress president
The search for new methods of treating multiple sclerosis requires all the passion you can manage to raise . Just like running a congress . That ‘ s why the organizers of the international ECTRIMS congress , the most important annual congress on multiple sclerosis , chose DüsseldorfCongress as their partner . The bottom line : 10 learning courses , 3 plenary meetings , 14 meetings held in parallel , 6 meetings on “ hot topics ”, over 900 presentations , around 5,000 visitors in 5 days . Another step toward healing the disease .
How may we accompany you ? info @ duesseldorfcongress . de | www . duesseldorfcongress . de