Mediterranews (English) JUNE 2016 | Page 9

FLORA FLORA AND Y FAUNA Photo: Fotografía: Enrique Enrique Alfaro. Alfaro Photo: Fotografía: Enrique Enrique Alfaro. Alfaro Photo: Fotografía: Enrique Enrique Alfaro. Alfaro Photo: Fotografía: Enrique Enrique Alfaro. Alfaro We need to know what we can do when we find stranded sea lions at the beach. These animals spend a great amount of their time on land, so they might be just resting when we find them at the beach. However, if they show signs of malnourishment, disease or entanglement (presence of net or other objects in their bodies) we may notify PROFEPA. In Ensenada, the ICMME (Research and Conservation of Marine Mammals of Ensenada) is a civil association that offers assistance in these cases. Unfortunately, we do not have adequate infrastructure for the rescue and rehabilitation of these marine mammals in Mexico, unlike California in U.S. TO REPORT STRANDINGS IN MÉXICO, PLEASE CALL: PROFEPA: (646) 176 50 00 y 172 40 99 ICMME: (646) 197 53 29 [email protected] Information Fuentes: from: • Bargu, S., M. Silver, et al. (2010). "Complexity of domoic acid-related sea lion strandings in Monterey Bay, • Bargu, S., foraging M. Silver,patterns, et al. (2010). “Complexity of domoic California: climate events, and toxic acid-related seaMarine lion strandings in Monterey Bay, Califorblooms." nia: foraging patterns, events, and toxic blooms.” Ecology Progress Seriesclimate 418: 213-222. Marine Ecology Progress Series 418: 213-222. • Graham, K. 2015. Toxic algae bloom blamed for whale • Graham, K. 2015. Toxic algae blamed for whale deaths in B.C. and Alaska. Digitalbloom Journal. September 16 deaths in Retrieved B.C. and Alaska. Digital Journal. 16 de septiemth , 2015. from: bre de 2015. Disponible en: news/environment/toxic-algaebloom-blamed- fornews/environment/toxic-algae-bloom-blamed-for-whawhale-deaths-inb-c- and-alaska/article/443992 le-deaths-in-b-c-and-alaska/article/443992. • Lalli, C. M. and T. R. Parsons (1997). Biological Oceano•graphy: Lalli, C.An M. Introduction, and T. R. Parsons (1997). Biological OceanograButterworth Heinemann. phy: An Introduction, Butterworth Heinemann. • McClatchie, S., J. Field, et al. (2016). "Food limita• McClatchie, S., pups J. Field, et al. “Food limitation of sea tion of sea lion and the(2016). decline of forage off cenlion and pupssouthern and the California." decline of forageRoyal off central and soutral Society Open thern California.” Royal Society Open Science 3 (3). Science 3(3). JUNE 2016 5