Medidas de Gestao das Pescarias Marinhas e Aquicultura 2019 The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018 | Page 5

TABLES, FIGURES AND BOXES TABLES 1.   World fisheries and aquaculture production and utilization 4 2.   Marine capture production: major producer countries 9 3.   Marine capture production: major species and genera 5.   Inland waters capture production: major producer countries fish consumption by region and economic grouping, 2015 16 20 23 25 9.   Major farmed seaweed producers 17.   Share of main groups of 18.   Total and per capita apparent 8.   World aquaculture production of aquatic plants 17 13 7.   Major species produced in world aquaculture 16.   Top ten exporters and importers of fish and fish products 55 species in world trade of fish and fish products, 2016 64 6.   Aquaculture production of main groups of food fish species by continent, 2016 4.   Trends in three main categories of fishing areas 14 10 4.   Capture production: FAO major fishing areas 15.   Reported number of motorized and non-motorized vessels by LOA class in fishing fleets from selected countries and territories, 2016 38 25 10.   Aquaculture food fish 19.   SDG 14 indicators for which FAO is custodian or contributing agency 89 20.   Percentage of countries adopting EAF or similar ecosystem approaches, by region 125 21.   Examples of adaptation options for fisheries and aquaculture 135 22.   Projected fish production, 2030 185 production by region and selected major producers 27 23.   Projected fish trade, 11.   World employment for fishers 24.   Scenarios for production, and fish farmers by region 31 12.   Number of fishers and fish farmers in selected countries and territories and worldwide 32 13.   Reporting of sex-disaggregated employment (women, men and unspecified) in fisheries and aquaculture, by region, 2016 33 14.   Sex-disaggregated engagement in the primary sector of fisheries and aquaculture in selected countries 34 72 2030 5.   World aquaculture production of food fish and aquatic plants, 1990–2016 6.   Average annual growth rate of aquaculture production by volume (excluding aquatic plants) 18 7.   Aquaculture contribution to total fish production (excluding aquatic plants) 19 8.   Fed and non-fed food fish aquaculture production, 2001–2016 22 9.   Aquaculture production of major producing regions and major producers of main species groups, 2001–2016 28 10.   Distribution of motorized and non-motorized fishing vessels by region, 2016 35 11.   Proportion of fishing vessels with and without engine, by region, 2016 36 190 12.   Distribution of motorized fishing vessels by region, 2016 36 trade and apparent consumption depending on implementation of China’s Thirteenth Five- Year Plan 192 13.   Size distribution of motorized fishing vessels by region, 2016 37 FIGURES 1.   World capture fisheries and aquaculture production 3 2.   World fish utilization and apparent consumption 3 3.   Catch trends of valuable species groups 11 | iii | 14.   Global trends in the state of the world’s marine fish stocks, 1974–2015 40 15.   Percentages of stocks fished at biologically sustainable and unsustainable levels by FAO statistical area, 2015 41 16.   The three temporal patterns in fish landings, 1950–2015 42