Medidas de Gestao das Pescarias Marinhas e Aquicultura 2019 The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2018 | Page 179

THE STATE OF WORLD FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE 2018 communities, reducing rural poverty and contributing to broader rural development outcomes. FAO and GFCM are jointly organizing a study to explore the social protection systems available to small-scale fishing communities in Albania, Eg ypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia. This work will generate evidence that will be used to provide policy support and to foster policy and programme coherence at the country level. and collective cooperation, as well as livelihood diversification strategies. OSH risks, diminishing aquatic resources, lack of user and access rights, exposure to climate and weather risks and political and social marginalization can lead fishing and aquaculture dependent communities – men and women – to become trapped in a vicious circle of poverty (Béné, Devereux and Roelen, 2015). Social protection, which includes social assistance in kind and in cash transfers, contributory social security and labour market policies (FAO, 2017x), has the potential to reduce vulnerabilities, prevent negative coping strategies and reduce market failures affecting fishers and fish workers. In addition to shielding and protecting the poorest and most vulnerable, social protection is also increasingly recognized as a tool for empowering FAO is also working in Cambodia and Myanmar, along with partners, to assess the state of social protection and povert y dimensions in the fisheries sector. The results will be used to design national social protection responses that adequately cover fishers, fish farmers and fish workers and take into account specificities such as fishing seasonalit y, high mobilit y, poor user and access rights and occupational hazards. n | 163 |