Medical Officer | Page 8

REGULAR ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Minimum Age : When completed professional / education qualifications .
Maximum Age : 53 * * Candidates can be accepted up to age 54 if you are already fully accredited . If you require professional training this age will be lowered to take account of your exact training requirements . Must have entered SOITC by 54 th birthday
Direct entrants must be fully registered with the General Medical Council . Fitness
Further advice and information on RAF Fitness can be found here Residency
Whether or not you were born in the United Kingdom , you should normally have resided there for the 5 years immediately preceding your application , but candidates with a minimum of 3 years may be considered . If you have resided abroad for a period within this timeframe , dependant on the circumstances you may still be eligible on a case by case basis .
You must be a citizen of the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland , holder of dual UK / other nationality or have been a Commonwealth citizen since birth ( with ‘ right to work ’ immigration status ).
Pay Pay is competitive against NHS salaries depending on professional qualifications and experience . For current information visit :. here
You must pass a specialist interview where your professional suitability will be assessed . You will then be invited to the Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre ( OASC ) at RAF College Cranwell for the one-day selection process where we will assess your potential for training .
The Medical , Dental and Physiotherapist Specialist Recruitment Team ( MDRT ) give ‘ find out more ’ presentations at certain times during the year , covering all aspects of the RAF Medical Services and the selection process .
You should contact the MDRT directly on 01400 266811 or Email : CRN-RecruitSelect-MDLT-Grp @ mod . gov . uk for their programme dates and to book your SIP place - O - on Med a presentation Off .
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