Medical Officer | Page 6

Your Career Prospects
The RAF offers a structured career path that mirrors the challenges and responsibilities of a civilian medical career . You will hold the rank of Flight Lieutenant or Squadron Leader dependent on your experience and professional qualifications at the time of joining .
You will be offered an Initial Commission of 6 or 12 years , depending on whether you have already completed specialist training . Promotion from Flt Lt to Sqn Ldr is after 5 years satisfactory service . For GPs , promotion to Wing Commander and above is by competitive selection .
For consultants you will become eligible for promotion to acting Wg Cdr on successful completion of an Initial Officer Development course , and substantive Wg Cdr on Armed Services Consultant Appointment Board success .
Your commission may be extended until you reach the age of 60 , subject to Service requirements and your medical fitness .
Pay is aligned with your peers in the NHS and there is a generous Armed Forces Pension Scheme .
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