Medical Forum WA 07/13 Subscriber Edition July 2013 | Page 36


Congenital “ holey ” hearts : Ventricular septal defect

By Dr Luigi D ’ Orsogna , Paediatric Cardiologist .
Western Cardiology . Tel 9346 9300

Ventricular septal defect ( VSD ) is the commonest congenital heart disease of childhood ( 55 % of cardiac defects in WA ). Single or multiple defects of the interventricular septum can be simply classified as membranous or muscular , and they can be isolated or associated with other defects like coarctation of the aorta or more complex malformations such as Tetralogy of Fallot . The pathophysiology and clinical manifestation of a VSD after birth is dependent on its size , the pulmonary vascular resistance ( PVR ) and the differential pressure between right and left ventricles .

Immediately after birth the PVR is high , hence there will be little flow across the VSD , which will be clinically “ silent ”. As the PVR diminishes over the ensuing days , flow increases across the defect . Small defects are not associated with symptoms but a typical pansystolic murmur at the lower left sternal border is audible ; smaller defects tend to produce louder murmurs as greater turbulence is created by the larger pressure difference between ventricles .
Conversely , excessive pulmonary blood flow from a large defect increases pulmonary artery pressure , which in turn raises the right ventricle pressure and diminishes the pressure difference across the VSD , thereby making the murmur less prominent .
� Fig 1 : 2 -dimensional echocardiogram ( apical 4 chamber view ) showing a large mid-muscular VSD ( arrow ).
� Fig2 : with AmplatzerTM VSD occlusive device in situ .
However , the newborn or young infant manifests symptoms and signs of excessive pulmonary blood flow : dyspnea and tachypnea that cause difficulty with feeding , tachycardia and hyperdynamic praecordial activity with or without a thrill , and an accentuated second heart sound with the pansystolic murmur . There may be an ejection systolic murmur at the left upper sternal border ( excessive flow across the pulmonary valve ) and a mid-diastolic murmur at the apex ( increased flow across the mitral valve ). If congestive cardiac failure develops , hepatomegaly is the best indicator at this age .
Investigation and treatment
Echocardiography is most accurate and informative . A small VSD requires no treatment as the defect may diminish or even close spontaneously ; most small muscular
VSDs close before school age and even moderate or large defects diminish enough in infancy so that no treatment will be needed .
However , if the infant with moderate or large VSD shows signs of not thriving or develops heart failure , then surgery will be required early , usually before six months of age . An asymptomatic moderate to large VSD requires elective closure later in infancy or early childhood to avoid the long-term complications of either pulmonary hypertension or volume overloaded left heart . Surgery is now relatively low risk with mortality < 1 %.
Transcatheter VSD device closure has limited application as it can only be used safely with muscular defects in older infants ; perimembranous defects are close to the cardiac valves and the conduction system , thereby risking their damage from an occlusive device .
Infective endocarditis prophylaxis is not required for VSD unless there has been previous endocarditis ( but it is required for six months after cardiac surgery / device closure ).
Declaration : Western Cardiology has contributed to the production costs of this clinical update . No author competing interests .
Conference Corner
Rural Health West Aboriginal
Health Conference Dates : July 6-7 Venue : Pan Pacific , Perth Website : www . ruralhealthwest . com . au or www . ruralhealthwest . com . au WA ANZCA Winter Scientific Meeting Date : July 20 Venue : University Club , UWA Website : www . anzca . edu . au / events General Practitioner Conference & Exhibition Dates July 20-21 Venue : Perth Convention Exhibition Centre Website : www . gpce . com . au / en / visit / perth / Rural Health West Remote Coastal Emergency Medicine Conference Dates : September 6-8 Venue : Gnaraloo Station Website : www . ruralhealthwest . com . au
GPET Convention 2013 Dates : September 11-12 Venue : Crown Perth Website : www . agpt . com . au / NewEvents / GPETConvention2 2013 Rural and Remote Mental Health Conference Dates : September 17-19 Venue : Bridgeley Community Centre , Northam Website : www . wacountry . health . wa . gov . au National Environmental Health Conference Dates : September 24-26 Venue : Parmelia Hilton Website : www . eh . org . au / events
WA ANZCA Meeting Bunker Bay Dates : October 11-13 Website : www . anzca . edu . au / events
Rural Health West
Fremantle Conference Date : October 19 Venue : Fremantle Website : www . ruralhealthwest . com . au WA Transcultural Mental Health and Australasian Refugee Health Conference 2013 Dates : October 31-November 1 Venue : Duxton Hotel , Perth Website : www . transrefugee2013 . com . au Australasian Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion Conference Dates : November 11-13 Venue : The Esplanade Hotel , Fremantle Website : www . injuryprevention2013 . com . au
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