Medical Forum WA 07/13 Subscriber Edition July 2013 | Page 25

Medical Assessment Panels : Recruitment of Doctors and Specialists
Continued from P18

Taking the Gloves Off

Adam Metcalf runs a CS training academy and is one of the leading referees in Perth . He stresses the distinct differences across the broad rubric of CS and the specific ramifications affecting competitor safety .
“ One area that concerns people is the cumulative effect of repeated strikes to the head . Within the different forms of MMA there are varied levels of impact before an opponent is on the canvas and out of the contest . One of the essential differences between boxing and martial arts is that the latter uses a smaller glove and the choice to submit lies with the competitor . In boxing , and some other disciplines , the contestant ’ s corner decides to ‘ throw in the towel ’ so that relies on someone else ’ s interpretation of the situation .”
“ It ’ s absolutely mandatory for a doctor to be in attendance because the primary concern is always the safety of the competitors . The doctor has the right to stop the contest at any time .”
Adam has noticed a decline in the number of doctors who are willing to supervise CS events . He also has first-hand experience regarding the merits of a fenced enclosure .

Medical Assessment Panels : Recruitment of Doctors and Specialists

From time to time , WorkCover WA requires the services of medical professionals to serve on Medical Assessment Panels .
������������������������������������������������� medical opinion about the nature or extent of an injury or a worker ’ s capacity for work , and one of the parties wishes the proceedings to continue .
Three medical practitioners are chosen by WorkCover WA ’ s Director of Conciliation from a list of medical ������������������������������������������������������� and eligible to participate in workers ’ compensation Medical Assessment Panels . At least one medical �������������������������������������������������������� Medical practitioners who have treated or examined the worker are not eligible to sit on the panel .
WorkCover WA are currently interested in recruiting ������������������������������������������������������
��Trainer Adam Metcalf
“ Since the AMA withdrew their involvement from the CSC we have found it more difficult to find medical supervision . I ’ m luckier than most because I have several doctors who train with me at the gym . They understand the sport and they want to see it properly monitored .”
“ There ’ s a certain stigma attached to an enclosed arena and I think , for some people , there ’ s a misplaced association with dog and cockfighting . I ’ ve stopped fights because competitors were in danger of toppling onto the judges table . One of the arguments against a fenced enclosure is that it ’ s more difficult for a doctor to get into the arena . We did an experiment , timed the whole thing and it took 7-8 seconds longer for a person to struggle through the ropes and lend assistance .”
“ MMA events are highly controlled . I ’ d love the AMA to come and watch one of our events and see it from a doctor ’ s perspective . I ’ m sure they ’ d get a more positive perception of the sport when they listen to competitors talking about their training and preparation .”
ED : Combat Sports Commission WA www . dsr . wa . gov . au / combat-sports �
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Anaesthesia Cardiology Endocrinology General surgery Geriatrics & Rehabilitation Injury Management Internal and Cardiovascular Medicine Intensive Care Specialists
Payment is currently at a gazetted hourly rate of $ 506.80 for specialists .
If you would like to register your interest in Medical Assessment Panel participation , WorkCover WA would like to hear from you . To contact us , please email medical @ workcover . wa . gov . au with your name , �������������������������������������������������
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Neurology Neurosurgery Medical microbiologists Plastic surgery Radiology Rehabilitation medicine Sclerotherapy Sports medicine Thoracic Urology
1300 794 744 | www . workcover . wa . com . au
By Mr Peter McClelland medicalforum 23