Medical Forum WA 07/13 Subscriber Edition July 2013 | Page 16

Rural Training

Young Doctors ’ Outback Adventures

��Sponsored doctors in Karajini National Park and at Mt Whaleback , right .

Six young doctors got up close and personal with the concepts of rural and remote at a special tour sponsored by Kimberley Pilbara Medicare Local , WAGPET and Pilbara Regional Advisory Committee ( RAC ).

The six sponsored registrars , Dr Shannon King ( PGPPP , from Shelly ), Dr Chung Jian Tan ( a Hopsital PGY 4 from Perth ), Dr Leonard Timoney ( a hospital PGY 2 , from Swanbourne ), Dr Jenny Donnelly ( GP Registrar , from Beaconsfield ), Dr Andrea
Van Rijn , ( GP Registrar , from Albany ) and Dr Kate Rieben ( a hospital PGY 2 , from Fremantle ), were on the Pilbara Rural and Remote Weekend .
There they discovered the realities of the resources industry at BHP Billiton ’ s Mt Whaleback and some of the issues faced by medical staff at the Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service and Parnapajinya community clinic . And all this was topped off by participation in Rural Health West ’ s annual Rural and Remote Retrieval
Conference at the Karijini Eco Retreat .
“ The weekend aims to showcase the Pilbara to registrars and medical students with a view to attracting talent to the region . It also provides them with the opportunity to meet local health professionals working in the region ,” CEO of KPML Chris Picket said . �
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