Medical Chronicle November/December 2013 | Page 2

Cipla’s multiple therapy CNS basket SAVE UP TO 50% vs. LEADING GENERIC1 THE MOST COST-EFFECTIVE QUETIAPINE NEW 72% Ris Ris nia p 0.5 erid / 1 one /2 /3 VS. ORIGINATOR 1 er tos ine e Quetiap / Qu / 100 0 0 25 / 3 00 2 72% SAVE UP TO VS. ORIGINATORS 1 Ol e Ol xar an 2.5 zap / 5 ine / 10 ec ine pit otrig E / m La / 50 0 25 / 20 0 10 THE MOST COST-EFFECTIVE OLANZAPINE Quality Do n Do ece ne pt 5 / pe 10 zil Variety Sustainability n Do e p ce t In I Innovation Affordability S5 Reg. No. 37/2.6.5/0316, 0317, 0318 S5 Reg. No. 43/2.6.5/0800, 0801, 0802, 0803 S5 Reg. No. 38/2.5/0571, 0572, 0573, 0574 REFERENCE: 1. SEP (excl. VAT) as per DOH 14/06/2013 S5 Reg. No. 42/2.6.5/0792, 0793,0794,0795 S5 Reg. No. 42/5.3/0490, 0491 Cipla Medpro (Pty) Ltd. Reg. No. 1995/004182/07, Building 9, Parc du Cap, Mispel Street, Bellville, 7530, RSA. Tel (021) 943 4200, Fax (021) 914 4699. E-mail: [email protected] Website: Customer Care: 080 222 6662