Media Tour Experience issue #1 | Page 6

POWER to Read “Education is the only tool which you can use to change the world” The late former South African leader Nelson Mandela was quot- ed as saying. The statement over- lays the importance that education has in shaping the direction and future of individuals. According to research finding released by research firm Ipsos Synovate in late 2017.Five percent of Kenyans lack formal education out of 95% who have received for- mal education 44% have a primary education and below The value of education cannot be underestimated in the changing new era of globalization that is in need of individuals with profes- sional skills. The importance of education drew the attention of the United Nations General as- sembly that it was adopted to the resolution in September 2015. Ed- ucation has been included in the Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations. In the growing need to provide ed- ucation to all, many institutions of learning have sprouted in virtually all corners over the world. The distinguishing trait in all these in- stitutions of learning is the quality of education and the affordability of the programs in the respective institutions. Too many people affording edu- cation is a major issue of concern because of poverty. Statistics from UNICEF indicate that 42 percent of the populations in Kenya live below the poverty line. This means that they cannot afford basic human needs such as food and education. To help needy students quench their need for education many institutions have come up with fi- nancial aid programs to help them finance their education. All these are all aimed to afford education. USIU-AFRICA for instance has 6 categories of scholarships on offer to needy students. The scholar- ships are categorized into Grad- uate Merit awards, work study programs, External funded schol- arships and grants, institutional scholarships and government student aids. The scholarships are need based and education based. For instance, the Work study programme gives students the op- portunity to work on campus and attend classes at the same time. At the end of the Semester the student is given credit hours that are translated to school fees. The purpose of such financial pro- grams is to ensure that students are able to stay in school and pay their school fees. The need to finance college in the United States is not any dif- ferent as in Kenya .Because of this notable institution such as American University have also set aside distinct financial aid offices to deal with the growing need to help needy students get Campus education. The financial aid office at American University estimates that it spends $85M dollars on scholarships to undergraduates in the school. Upon admission all students are eligible to financial aid. By their time of admission students are eligible to AU Pres- idential scholarship, American University dean’s scholarship, American Leadership scholarship and Frederick Douglas Scholar- ship. In total all these financial aid programs receive an average of 30,000$ (3Million).