Media Literacy Lexicon | Page 8

Digital Citizenship

Part of speech : phrase ( adjective + noun ) Pronunciation : / ˈdɪdʒɪtəl / / ˈsɪtɪzənˌʃɪp / Meaning : Digital Citizenship refers to the ability to engage positively , critically and competently in the digital environment , drawing on the skills of effective communication and creation , to practice forms of social participation that are respectful of human rights and dignity through the responsible use of technology . A digital citizen refers to a person who has the knowledge and skills to effectively use digital technologies to communicate with others , participate in society and create and consume digital content . Use in a sentence : “ I used my real name and business in the spirit of good digital citizenship ." Source : Council of Europe & Wikipedia
Translation in Greek : ψηφιακή ιθαγένεια Translation in Spanish : ciudadanía digital Translation in Croatian : digitalni građani

Media Literacy Lexicon