Media Kits Aged Care Insite Media Kit 2019 | Page 7

MEDIA KIT EMAIL CAMPAIGN OPTIONS E-NEWS OPTIONS EDM (ELECTRONIC DIRECT MAIL) Sponsor one of our e-newsletters sent every Wednesday and Friday. You provide the HTML, we provide the audience! Leaderboard $3,526 Per email/ broadcast $6,985 $4,032 Follow-up email $3,036 940 x 90 px Listing 310 x 165 px 70 words + your logo For more information, email Technical Specifications [email protected] • HTML file, all images linked • Text file (for non-HTML email clients) • Subject line (less than 50 characters) Please contact your account manager for our full specifications sheet at Layout suggestions • No background images • No GIFs, video or Flash • Table format, 600 px wide [email protected] • Don’t link to an external .css file or 02 9936 8664 • No more than 45,000 characters • No Javascript • Don’t use
tags • Use links for forms or videos For advertising enquiries: call 02 9936 8664 or email [email protected] 13,600 WEEKLY EMAILS The main benefit of an eDM campaign is that it’s one of the only forms of mass communication that provides usable data and analytics that can assist with future planning. You can view how many people opened your email, how many took action as a result, which link they clicked on, how many people clicked on each individual link, all valuable data that will help you calculate an exact return on investment (ROI). An eDM campaign can save our clients time and money by making it simple for them to reach large, targeted audiences that would have previously been out of their reach. The most important aspect of an eDM is a client’s ability to customise and personalise their message. Unlike traditional marketing platforms, an eDM allows our clients to specifically design a message, offer, competition, free demo etc to encourage and entice subscribers to engage with their eDM. 7