Report back to your advertisers to build a trustful relationship.
Tier 1: High-level
Number of readers
Average time spent on the ad page
Video/Audioplays, total video/audio play time
Number of link clicks (total clicks)
Hotspot performance (total clicks)
PRICE: $1,200
Tier 2: Mid-level
Number of readers
Average time spent on the ad page
Video/Audioplays, total video/audio play time, average playtime, average completion rate
Number of link clicks (total clicks & email addresses of link clickers)
Hotspot performance (total clicks & email addresses of link clickers)
Geolocation of the readers (broken down into state or city level)
PRICE: $1,900
Tier 3: Deep and Individual Level
Number of readers & their contact details (email and physical addresses, phone, etc.)
Pageviews, average time spent on the ad page
Video/Audioplays, total video play time, average playtime, average completion rate
Number of link clicks, the email addresses of link clickers
Hotspot performance (total clicks, individual clicks & email addresses of link clickers)
Geolocation of the readers (broken down into state or city level, filtration through email)
Breakdown of devices used, device categories
Ethnicity, age, occupation, income, and more (you can choose your own questions)
Individual insights on each reader's interaction with the ad page
PRICE: $2,500+