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will do what they ’ re supposed to do surrounding COVID ( masking , frequent hand hygiene , social distance , that kind of thing ). We ’ ll see if my hypothesis is correct , but I hope that all this other work will lead to a dramatic drop in some of these other infections and the complications that people have from them such as secondary bacterial pneumonia , flare-ups of asthma , etc .”
Expectations Surrounding COVID-19 Vaccine
Finally , our experts comment on another big question this season : What can physicians expect regarding a COVID-19 vaccine this fall ?
“ The thought is that COVID-19 vaccination programs will begin soon after the flu vaccine season ,” said Dr . Wheeler . “ Usually , we have most flu vaccines administered by first of November . This year , I don ’ t know when we ’ ll finish flu , nor do we know when we ’ ll have access to COVID-19 vaccination . There is a national program to deliver the vaccines around the country . There are logistical and operational things that will engage multiple agencies and the federal government . It ’ s likely to go to multiple sites and be phased in . There will be distribution priorities … health workers and first responders will likely get the first available vaccines . As you go down that list , the discussion will begin . Who is next in line ? Do we go to the high-risk people who have high exposure ? To those who not only have high-risk but also have likelihood of responding well to vaccines ? Older people typically don ’ t respond to vaccines very well and there may be some pressure for older populations to go lower down the list , but nursing home residents are likely to be high on the list because of their high mortality rates . Probably the most important people will be the staff that work in nursing homes – they ’ re typically younger , have strong immune responses , and are typically the ones who bring the virus into nursing homes . for these vaccines for children . In the normal course of events , we would test adults first and see if they ’ re safe . Right now , children are unlikely to be in the first round . That ’ s why [ many believe ] people like teachers ought to be in the priority group .”
Focusing on What Is Effective
Going into flu season , and throughout the continuing COVID-19 pandemic , physicians need to remain focused on advocating for regular immunizations . “ I think amid all the things that are going on , we can forget the most important thing , which is that immunizations continue to be the number one most effective prevention tool that we have ,” said Dr . Wheeler . “ So , things like the whooping cough , the pneumococcal vaccine , the zoster vaccine – these are all life-saving vaccines that are part of our regular care of patients . It ’ s important that we continue to do that work . That means using your EMR and other tools to make sure your patients are up-to-date .”
The pandemic has caused most physicians to adopt new and innovative ways to deliver care . “ We need to apply that same principle to providing immunizations ,” said AMS Executive Vice President David Wroten . He went on
to add , “ Throughout this challenging period , the AMS has served as a resource and lifeline to our state ’ s medical practices , particularly in the area of telemedicine and of course , PPE . But make no mistake , our doctors and nurses have been the shining stars , the real heroes . We recognize that physicians are overwhelmed ; they are exhausted and some even depressed . I hope they know , without any doubt , that the Arkansas Medical Society , its physician leaders and staff , appreciates their sacrifices and dedication to their patients . We will continue helping in any way we can .”
To stay abreast of updates and research related to COVID and its impact on immunizations , physicians may want to attend the 2020 Immunization Summit , to be presented virtually this fall by Immunize Arkansas , on November 13 . See sidebar , next page , for more information .
Additional Reading Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker https :// www . nytimes . com / interactive / 2020 / science / coronavirus-vaccine-tracker . html
“ As you can see , there will be some controversial discussions about how the population gets immunized .
“ Private offices may not be getting COVID-19 vaccine in their hands right away . For right now , there have been no clinical trials
Volume 117 • Number 5 NOVEMBER 2020 • 105