Med Journal July 2021 Final 2 | Page 4

Darren O ’ Quinn

Medical Board Legal Issues ?


Let There Be Fireworks !!! by Sandy Johnson , MD

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Darren O ’ Quinn
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Happy July , everyone . I hope all of us are celebrating . After all , at least at the time of writing this in April , there is a lot to celebrate — and hopefully now we have even more to celebrate . Life is better when we live it as a party . Life is better when we choose joy . Life is better when we count our blessings rather than our opportunities ( or challenges , however you choose to look at it ). Today I am thankful that the days are getting longer and warmer . I am thankful for the Covid vaccine . I am thankful to be a physician . I am thankful to be in health care . I am thankful to those who served and continue to serve on the front lines of the pandemic war . I am thankful to live in a state that responded well to the pandemic . I am thankful to live in the natural state where I was able to get outside and chase waterfalls while isolating from others . I am thankful to live where it is easy to keep physical distance . I am thankful for kindness .

I am thankful to live in the greatest country on earth — Happy Birthday , America . Let there be fireworks . I am thankful for life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness . I am thankful for love . On July 4 , we all will be celebrating our country ’ s independence . I will also be celebrating my dependence and anniversary of being married to the man of my dreams . I am thankful for 22 years of marriage to a wonderful friend , partner , and lover . To learn more , check out the book , “ Friends , Partners , Lovers ,” by Fort Smith ’ s own Kevin Thompson . Kevin describes life in the Garden of Eden before the fig leaf , how Adam and Eve were happy and harmonious being friends enjoying each other ’ s company , partners working together , and lovers . After the apple , however , life changed . Now a good marriage takes work on being friends , partners , and lovers ( FPL )— but the work is worth it . Life is not always perfect . We are not perfect people . Therefore , most marriages are not perfect .
Kevin describes how most marriages fail because of apathy and not choosing to be an FPL to your spouse . In addition to marriage , most things in life fail or are worse because of apathy and not choosing to give our best . Marriages are better when we choose to love and care for each other in all aspects of marriage . I am blessed that Brad is probably the best man on earth — next to my dad . My life is better because of Brad — he is not only my life partner but also my business partner . In addition to celebrating a wedding anniversary , we are also celebrating 15 years of Johnson Dermatology in Fort Smith this month . Being Brad ’ s business partner , creating a medical practice and providing a 4E JD experience ( effective , efficient , empathic , and empowering ) to patients brings me so much joy . Neither of us have a business background nor chose to go to medical school to be business owners . We chose medicine to provide medical care . Being able to work together to not only provide 4E care but also to create a successful business , with more than 60 team members , has exceeded either of our wildest dreams . We have so much to celebrate . We hope you will join us in celebrating . I am sure each of us can think of at least 10 things / people / memories / etc . for which to be thankful and to celebrate . If not , then think of Katy Perry , and let there be fireworks !! I think her song sums up well how many of us felt during the pandemic , but now it is time to ignite the light and let it shine . Some of the lyrics are included here for your enjoyment : “ Do you ever feel already buried deep ? Six feet under screams , but no one seems to hear a thing . Do you know that there ’ s still a chance for you ‘ cause there ’ s a spark in you ? You just gotta ignite the light , and let it shine . Just own the night like the 4th of July . ‘ Cause , baby , you ’ re a firework . Come on , show ‘ em what you ’ re worth … If you only knew what the future holds . After a hurricane comes a rainbow .” May your life be full of celebrations , fireworks , and rainbows . Cheers !!! Stay skintastic !!!
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