Med-Aesthetic Skincare - Advanced Medical Devices Equipment Introducing Newer Aesthetic Technologies | Page 4

 Infrared Therapy: New Technology for Skin Care Treatments  Infrared therapy is based on applying a wavelength of infrared beams in micro-second applications (measured in nanometers, or nm). This is one of the most sophisticated technologies for treatments for body contouring, firming of the skin, and skin rejuvenation, for a few examples. RF treatment is typically applied in ranges from 850- to 1750nm pulses. With the frequency of the pulses, the professional is able to control temperatures that reach different layers of the skin in varying depths. Infrared therapy does not just hide the symptoms, like medicines, but encourages healing of the cause of the pain.  Laser:  Laser technology is used in cosmetic treatments (both intrusive and non-intrusive, depending on what it is being used for). Various treatments that laser therapy range from include hair reduction, skin maintenance (from wrinkles or scars from acne), and removal of blemishes (these include moles or age spots). Laser can also be used for tattoo removal and even teeth whitening or vascular lesions, such as skin discolorations like birthmarks.