Mechanical Engineering Annual Report 2021 | Page 50


Successful cross-department laboratory reaches new heights

The Advanced Propulsion and Power Laboratory ( APPL ), a facility in the College of Engineering led by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Kevin T . Crofton Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering , has developed impressively since the facility was commissioned in 2015 . The lab enables research of 54 students into next generation technologies and fundamental discoveries in rocketry , turbomachinery , and hypersonics . The group of seven faculty have led research from government and industry sponsors totaling $ 3.3M over the last year , projected to grow to $ 3.8M over the next year . Several recent , major facility developments are leading the way to provide students experience with unique , world-class capabilities . Rolls-Royce , through the University Technology Center at Virginia Tech directed by Changmin Son , has increased its commitment to APPL through direct financial support of the lab . Notably , APPL now hosts its first turbine engine research stand supported by the Office of Naval Research ( ONR ) and Rolls-Royce and led by APPL Co-Directors Prof . Wing Ng and Todd Lowe . This new capability is part of 5 year , $ 2.4M research project funded by ONR for studying the impacts of ingested sand and dust on engine life . Prof . Joseph Meadows has recently commissioned a high-pressure rig for studying combustion dynamics and afterburning jet noise with ONR support . The lab was also featured in the daily VT Doodle for Prof . Gregory Young ’ s new solid fuel ramjet rig also supported by ONR .