Key Learning Areas Covered In This Course :
• Introduction to the NHS PAM
• Overview of NHS PAM Documentation
• Associated assessments ( ERIC & PLACE )
• Detailed step-by-step breakdown of the NHS England Spreadsheet Model 2023
• Introduction the NHS England online portal
• Exercises and completion of the required documentation for NHS PAM
• Final examination
" The tutor was very knowledgeable & experienced in the full delivery of PAM "
" I was welcomed and treated very professionally , also had the opportunity to tour the venue . This will benefit everyone in meeting standards of mandatory requirement of PAM . The course provides a great insight and overview of PAM with all questions answered in depth . I have recommended to various Trusts and colleagues to attend this course ."
Abdul - St George ’ s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
City & Guilds Accredited NHS Premises Assurance Model
Accommodation available from £ 135 per night ( including DBB ) All Prices Exclude VAT