MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 158

Creative Writing Prompts Ø If I could work anywhere right now, I would work….. Ø Freedom is…… Ø Cool is…….. Ø My Family is…….. Ø This world needs more…… Ø Write a poem. Ø What is your most valued possession? Ø What do you consider to be beautiful? Ø How do you feel about your appearance? Ø In ten years time I will……. Ø If I could be an animal I would be….. Ø If I could have dinner with 5 people in the world right now they would be……., because……… Ø If I was a superhero I would be….. Ø List 10 rules you have broken. Ø I’m going to change the world by….. Ø When I’m a parent I’ll never….. Ø Write a short biography of your mother/father/Guardian…. Ø Write a list of 50 things that make you feel good. Ø What makes you proud to be Irish Ø What is your definition of success? Ø Describe the most difficult thing about being your age Ø Name a person from history that you would most like to meet and talk to. Why? What would you like to ask? Ø If you had one month to live, what would you do? Ø I promise myself I’ll never….. Ø If I were a food I would be…. Ø Compile a list of inanimate objects or animate objects to which you might compare yourself metaphorically.” I am a windmill. I change direction or my thoughts whenever someone talks to me…)” 158