MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 139

Whatever unseen poem appears, should contain examples of a number of the above poetic literary techniques. Combined, it is these tools that allow a poet to create RHYTHM AND IMAGERY. Don’t forget, if you struggle to identify specific techniques such as those listed above, you can still comment on the attention the poet pays to detail: • Precision of verb selection • Adding inventive / exact adjectives to nouns • Adding Inventive / exact adverbs to verbs Questions often require students to comment on the poet’s use of language. If this Q comes up, write about how the poet uses language to • Create imagery – Visual / Aural / Tactile / Olfactory, etc • Create rhythm – give the poem a musical / lyrical quality • Communicate / Convey thoughts / feelings / observations in an inventive / original way Answers should be fully developed and to the point. Always use quotation to support anything you say about the poem (PQE/PEE/PIE). Even if your interpretation of the poem is inaccurate, you will still be awarded marks for structured answers that use the poem for supporting evidence. Try to write a 4-5 paragraph answer for a 20 mark question. 139