MEC: TY English Workbook 2020 - 2021 | Page 129

Short Questions Answer ALL of the following: [Each question carries 10 marks] 1. What impression of the filling station and its inhabitants do you get from reading the first two stanzas of the poem? Refer to the text in support of your answer. 2. ‘Somebody loves us all.’ In your opinion, does this line provide a good ending to the poem? Explain your answer. 3. What impression of the poet, Elizabeth Bishop, do you get from reading this poem? Long Questions Answer ONE of the following: [Each question carries 20 marks] 1. ‘Good poetry creates vivid pictures in our minds.’ In your opinion, is this true of Filling Station? Support your view by reference to the text of the poem. 2. Imagine you are Elizabeth Bishop. Write a diary entry, based on your reading of the poem, in which you describe your experience of stopping at this filling station. 3. Which of the following statements is closest to your own view of the poem: - Life is full of surprises - Everyone needs love - We shouldn’t judge by appearances Explain your choice, supporting your answer by reference to the text. Fill in the table below Title: Quotes: Interpretation/Meaning: Theme(s): 129