'MEC Press' March School News Publication 2020 | Page 2
A Message from Senior Management
Dear colleagues, students, parents & guardians,
Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer of the HSE has repeatedly stated that the next
seven days are "vital" in Ireland's ongoing battle to curb the spread of coronavirus.
Speaking at a press conference this week, Dr Holohan has stated: ‘We don't anticipate
saying we'll go back to normal on the 29 March,' in light of significant new restrictions
announced Tuesday 24th March.
If our health service is to have any chance of dealing with the impending surge, we
need to minimise physical social contact beyond our households. As per the parental
text sent out this week, we must keep a physical distance of 2 meters from others in
public and regularly hand wash. As we are entering another weekend of this new
norm, there might be an increased temptation for groups beyond the restriction of
four to meet up. Please, please limit this to four unless from the same household in the
interest of our community. We need you to keep yourselves and us safe by taking
sustained responsible action.
Parents & guardians, please ensure that your son/daughter is engaging with the
material being transmitted by teachers online. Many thanks to all our hardworking
staff for their innovativeness and professional diligence during this difficult period.
This is our new reality, school and might be like this for a while beyond April 29th.
Please note, we are obliged to treat online engagements the same as normal school
attendance. If there are connection/account difficulties, please let us know. In the
meantime, this coming week, we will contact households of any "non-attenders". We
will also cascade information as soon as the State Examinations Commission releases
information regarding contingency plans.
Our school needs our students to:
1.Visibly engage with schoolwork on online platforms
2.Limit physical contact
3.Wash your hands
Stay safe and together can support each other during this emergency.
Senior Mangment Team,
Maynooth Post Primary
Maynooth Community College
TY Musical