'MEC Press' March School News Publication 2020 | Page 14
MEC Acomplishes Amber Flag
By 2nd year Jessica Lynam
On the 26th of February 2020 Maynooth Education Campus received the Amber Flag for
promoting positive mental health among staff and students in our school. Students Filip and
Keziah spoke about some of the things we did to promote positive mental health in the last
year, such as a spinathon, yoga classes, strength and conditioning classes, a bake sale and a
talk from the LiveLife foundation.
Senator Joan Freeman presented us with the Amber Flag. She founded Pieta House in 2006,
she expressed with deep meaning that we should use #BeKind online and always help others.
Students Siobhán and Lucy then mentioned upcoming events in our school which will aim to
promote positive mental health, such as an Ally week. It was a great honour that Senator
Freeman presented the flag to us and our hope is that when we see it, we will be reminded
to continue promoting positive mental health in our school community '