Measuring market orientation of Muscle Pharm Corp. (MSLP:US) REAL LIFECASE STUDY – REACHING NEW HEIGHTS | Page 5
Reaching new heights - Open source software application SabreSonic® Res.
1.3 Definition of open source software (OSS)
While there are many competing definitions of open source software (OSS) and “free” open source
software (FOSS), there seems to be a growing consensus that OSS refers to a software development
model where the distribution licenses for the software guarantee particular freedoms (UNESCO
Insititute of Statistics, 2014; Stallman, 2014; UK Government Procurement Service, 2011; Tarver,
2009). Tarver (2009) and Stallman (2014) clarify that the freedom in OSS is more like “free speech”
as opposed to “free beer”. The ability to access and change the source code is one important
distinction between proprietary software and OSS.
For our assignment, we look at a solution that is built on OSS but is proprietary software. The chosen
OSS SabreSonicRes is not free as in “free beer” but is “free” in that the software solution is built on
Apache database platforms and open code which are all OSS. The configuration of the code, the
graphic user interface and the support that SABRE provides are all part of the package.
1.4 What is SabreSonic Res®
SabreSonic Res is a database management system that forms part of the Sabre Customer Sales and
Service Solution. It provides clients with advanced customer management solutions such as
reservations, inventory management and product merchandising. This enables airlines to provide
the level of service required to fit their specific brand. For companies that truly want to separate
themselves from the competition, SabreSonic Res allows the customer to provide additional features
that best meet their needs. The benefit of using such a system is that it improves the efficiency in
the operations of the company, which can aid in increasing its revenues and profit. SabreSonic also
supports code sharing (Sabre Airline Solutions, 2011).
Sabre can provide a combination of functions, such as information on inventory and schedules,
through a common platform. It is able to capture revenue through accurate ticketing and other sales
transactions. It can also provide key data that enables an organisation to analyse market trends to
adjust business strategies (Sabre Airline Solutions, 2011). Why this specific software has been chosen
for this assignment will be illustrated in detail in Chapter Two.