Measuring market orientation of Muscle Pharm Corp. (MSLP:US) REAL LIFECASE STUDY – REACHING NEW HEIGHTS | Page 11
Reaching new heights - Open source software application SabreSonic® Res.
As defined earlier, GDSs are inter-enterprise networks, whereas CRSs are intra-enterprise resource
planning systems. Recent studies found that OSS ERPs offer up to 55% savings over a 3 year period
when compared to proprietary ERP systems (Vogenbeck, 2009). Despite the potential savings to
organisations, a 2014 UNESCO study found several common risk factors that affect and disrupt OSS
adoption (UNESCO Insititute of Statistics, 2014).
Based on the UNESCO study that identified several OSS adoption inhibitors, the key risk and
concerns identified within the airline industry for adoption of OSS reservation booking systems are:
Service and support concerns
Cost/total cost of ownership
Product capability maturity
Human capital risk – retention of skills (pertaining to the OSS product) within the
Viability of the open source supporting community for product
Licensing and intellectual property concerns
Enterprise system security
Concerns of fitness for purpose and user satisfaction
System complexity risk
Adaptability for future requirements
Consequently, the management of American Airlines needs to evaluate each concern and risk factor
by probability of occurrence and level of impact, and develop a plan to manage these risks
accordingly. We will use the factors identified above as critical considerations and KPAs for our
implementation strategy of SabreSonic Res at American Airlines.
4.2 Key success factors for successful implementation of an online reservation
The identification of key success factors will enable Beverly Goulet (CIO) and her management team
to focus on aspects that will allow them to exceed the defined project success criteria and to reach
the goals that were set.
In the early days of online reservation systems, being a first-mover gave companies a distinct
advantage. These companies were able to reap the benefits of economies of scale and the