Measuring market orientation of Muscle Pharm Corp. (MSLP:US) ISM - Investment library | Page 7
Top five lessons for management - How can this problem be avoided in the
future or how can the process be improved?
1. Knowing your customers needs and knowing the working processes of the involved
employees: Ensure clarity of the project and the primary objectives. Involve affected parties
(sales advisors) to be aware of what the clients are looking for and in order to develop a
customized solution align with the working process of the sales advisors.
2. Integrate different teams in concept planning: Establish a broader range of knowledge and
involve multiple parties along the value chain in concept planning in order to achieve better
results and save time. Research analysts will have an answer why a firm is invested in certain
stock and will have a methodology on how to summarize an investment thesis to the relevant
key points and how to search for relevant information.
3. Communicate and update relevant teams over status quo and future plans: Communicate
not only to supervise, but also communicate to the relevant parties about the status quo, more
specifically the concept design and implementation of the project in order to avoid confusion
and negative surprises which may come up within the sales the support team.
4. Create a manual and encourage coaching that everyone can use new tool upon
completion of project: The establishment a manual for a project ensures that every employee
can perform the new working process as expected. In addition offer personal face-to-face
support to ensure that everyone is confident and on the same page with a change that has
been made.
5. Design your solution in a way for further improvement and development in the future: Be
aware that the environment is changing continuously; especially from a technology perspective.
Based on this, you should establish an IT architecture or project design that allows flexibility and
improvement with regards to the existing tool on a consistent basis (open source).
Other lessons learnt within daily business (Feloni, 2014):
1. Divide mindless and strategic functions to become more productive: Optimally, you
should brainstorm your concept and then conduct them. If you are constantly interrupting your
flow of work to reassess something, you will slow yourself down.
2. Divide and simplify a large task into manageable sections: The coach of the Alabama
football team trains them to concentrate only on what is directly in front of them — each pass,
block, and field goal as opposed to having them fixate on winning the tournament.
3. Know the crucial thing you really need to carry out during a day: To assist prioritizing,
conclude which step in front of you is the most important, and fixate your energy into completing
it as soon as possible.