MDS Messenger Volume 13, Issue 4 | Page 2

News in Nursery Four

by Aviva Yablok, [email protected]

This week, the Nursery Four classes have combined their learning with their social commitments while working with the letter "C".

The children generated "C" word lists, painted using Cotton balls and Clothespins, prepared super size letter C's to hang in their classrooms and (social commitment) baked cookies in preparation for our N4 Shabbat Dinner

on November 8th.

As the years have gone by, we have observed that many of our incoming Nursery Four students are very familiar with their letters and can identify the letters fairly accurately. They have had a great deal of exposure to literature and literacy activities both in school and at home. Our curriculum provides for new lessons for children who are less familiar with letters and sounds, as well as an opportunity to fill in any gaps in letter and sound recognition for those children who are comfortable with the letters already. We provide both large and small group activities, games, songs, poems, and experiences that use as many senses as possible (i.e. cooking and baking) to solidify the learning experience for our students.

Our goal is to produce students who enjoy their reading readiness activities and to prepare them for their Kindergarten learning experience next year.