MDS Messenger Volume 13, Issue 3 | Page 3

EC Lower School Junior High


by Chana Raitman. [email protected]

For the past few weeks, the third graders have been learning how to apply what they are learning in Chumash class to everyday life. Whenever children internalize lessons into their daily lives, they begin to subconsciously realize that Torah is a way of life and shapes the way we think and act.

Although Akeidat Yitzchak happened so many years ago it still can be relevant to our lives today.

In this week’s Parsha we learn about the Akeida. Rashi explains that Hashem asks Avraham Avinu to pass this test as a “personal request”- קח נא, such that the


validity of the first ten tests rests on the

successful completion of this one. Why is that the case? Earlier Avraham was thrown into the furnace in Ur Kasdim, a serious test that required true Mesirut Nefesh. And yet everything rests on the Akeida.

Chachamim explain that Avraham Avinu did the other tests as a result of his understanding that it is the proper and rational thing to do. Regarding the furnace, it can be argued that Avraham did so to ensure his legacy as, rationally, failure to jump in would undermine everything he had worked for. The commandment to sacrifice Yitzchak is contrary to that which human intellect would understand as reasonable and useful. How will Avraham's revolution succeed if he doesn't have a successor? And yet Avraham took upon himself to do what G-d asked without hesitation or question.

Our third graders who try to emulate Avraham and say “Hineini”-"Here I am" when a parent or teacher asks them to do something received a "Hineini" award.


Yachad 8th Grade Shabbaton, December 6-7th

More Information to follow.