MDS Messenger Volume 13, Issue 27 | Page 5


Amanda Dweck The History of the Olympics

Julian Kofman Should College Athletes Get Paid?

Dovi Sauer The Circuit of F1 Racing and the Technology Behind the Cars

We are grateful to the following mentors for our 8th graders:

Mrs. Alter Rabbi Levy

Ms. Averbuch Mrs. Melzer

Rabbi Besser Ms. Miller

Rabbi Cohen Mrs. Skolnick

Ms. Goodstone Ms. Spirn

Mrs. Federgrun Rabbi Yablok

Mrs. Fruchter Rabbi Zimberg

Mrs. Korn

The luncheon was made possible through the efforts of the following people:

Rabbi Besser

Ms. Goodstone

Ms. Aleta Gelb

Ms. Marsha Zweiter

A special thank you to the following parents and grandparents who graciously sponsored today's event:

Donna Mirman (Gabrielle Broome's mother), Jordan Mann and Alison Feit (Jacob Feit- Mann's parents), Dr. Elliot and Diane Senderoff (Debra Schwartzben's grandparents), Louis and Hedy Smith (Sophie Samuels' Grandparents), and Dr. Israel and Fran Jacobowitz (Barry Cohen's grandparents).