Tizitzit and Hadlakat Nerot N1/3
by Aviva Yablok, [email protected]
Our Nursery 1 and 3 classes celebrated the special mitzvot of Tzitzit and Hadlakat Nerot last week with a special program.
Each class visited Morah Aviva’s office to light Shabbat candles and share some special moments together. We talked about the mitzvah of Hadlakat Nerot. It is
a mitzvah that connects Jewish children, mothers and grandmothers. We all gave tzedakah before lighting the candles and we welcomed our “Shabbat” by singing and dancing together. Each girl took home the Shabbat candlesticks that she decorated in class for this occasion.
All of the students then gathered together for a visit by Rabbi Yablok. He showed them a big Talit and then showed them a Talit Kattan—the kind of tzitzit that they wear. Then came the presentation. Each boy was called up to receive his own pair of decorated tzitzit.
We all shared lots of smiles and joy as these children were introduced to these mitzvot.
Yasher Koach to our Morot for preparing a beautiful program. Tizku Lemitzvot. May our students and families continue on the path of mitzvot.