MD news vol.51 Vol51 | Page 28

In addition to helping His people with physical problems, He also helped them mentally with His music compositions. He composed many famous songs, such as ‘Glai Rung’ [‘Near Dawn’], ‘Oh I Say’ and ‘Kwam Fon un Soong Sood’ [‘The Impossible Dream’]. His Majesty was a great musician who learned how to play many instruments, including the clarinet, saxophone, guitar and piano. His music is stil my all time favourite (especially the jazz versions) and I will continue listening and sharing it with my foreign friends as long as I live. Words are powerful things and knowing how to use them to do good is very important. King Bhumibol used His words to teach people mainly to follow His sufficiency economy theory and to be honest. The reasons we love our King are that He is down to earth, friendly and diligent. He is the perfect role model for the people of Thailand. King Bhumibol has proven that there are stil good peo- ple left on this Earth. He will always be our father and He will always be in our hearts. As the saying goes, ‘If you seek His monument, look around you.’ There are no words to describe my love for Him and His love for the country. We will always love and respect Him because He is our King, and He is the best King we could ever ask for. Third Place, M5 (three-way tie): Ms Tanya Panichkasem (Room 1) King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Rama IX of Thailand, was known as the world’s longest reigning mon- arch. In Thailand He is extremely well-loved by all Thais. Everywhere in Thailand, whether it be in carts on the street, food stalls or people’s houses, there is a picture of Him as a reminder to be a good person and to love the country. His Majesty the King passed last October due to illness. The news shocked the whole country. The people of Thailand wept and since then, everyone has been wearing black. To me, His Majesty was a wonderful role model. He was a very down-to-earth gentleman who was kind and did a lot for the people. The late King Bhumibol’s thousands of Royal Development Projects helped improve the lives of countless Thais outside the capital. He helped rice farmers when there was drought by using chemicals to make it rain. He found northern farmers jobs so they would not have to farm opium. He initiated numerous other helpful projects as well. I follow His Majesty’s philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. Using too much and wanting too much wil do no good in life. In many videos of the King on royal duties, He is often doing things that are unnecessary for a king to do, such as sitting down on the ground, talking to villagers, asking them ฉบับที่ 51 ปีที่ 13 ปีการศึกษา 2559 Mater Dei News 25