MCOBA May Reunion Edition 2014 2014 | Page 2

A Word from the President (continued) Reunion week end came and went faster than we could think. What another great week end at College! Our grounds and facilities are WORLD CLASS—we can be very proud of our old school and what College have to offer, from the classroom to the sports field. We are trying to build a supporters club together with the school. We have felt as an Exec committee that we lack in this area and we need to be more inclusive of non-old boy parents and friends of College. The start of this concept was the use of the Goldstones Club to sell the famous Cheese Zarms and top quality coffee - and we were pleased with the way this went off but time will tell. The use of the near-by Bowls Club as our after match watering hole went off very well. As sad as it is to not all meet on Goldstones for a beer, the new legal situation has forced this change upon us. It is always difficult to manage change but this time round, I personally believe us College Old Boys did well. By all accounts, the Bowls Club Committee were extremely satisfied with the way the Reunion weekend went off. A highlight for me was the short time we spent at the new Wall Of Remembrance, where we paid our respects to the recently added plaques for Old Boys and Friends of College who have passed on. Should anyone like to place a plaque in memory of one of their College friends, brothers and family of College, they are welcome to contact Matthew Marwick (Archives Committee): ([email protected]) to arrange this. I think it is a wonderful way to remember Collegians, and in the “Walls” own special way, create a home for these friends. I met up with some Old Boy Veterans after their Reunion luncheon. I wish I could have filmed the meeting as it would have been very inspirational for all of you to see. These fellows are truly proud Collegians and I wish that we all could strive to be the same one day. They are genuinely concerned and caring for our great school. They want to know everything about College in 2014 as if they were about to enrol in 2015 as 2 nd Formers in Nathans. (I think if they could, they would). I am still very concerned at the apathy displayed by Old Boys. College Old Boys (I am learning) leave everything to the last minute to arrange, and then there are those who expect it all for nothing, and finally, those who just are not on the radar. I really urge you all to get onto the radar and sign up with the office so we know where you are and can keep you in the loop with matters College. The office can be reached on [email protected] or [email protected] . The telephone number is 033-342 9878, please speak to Linda or Debbie and sign the debit order forms so we don’t need to chase you every year. For a meagre R300 per annum you will be kept in the loop with details on functions, reunion day and rugby / hockey fixtures and results. This R300 is used to help run our office and maintain our Old Boy database. To run an office for a year costs us R410 000. We as Old Boys always expect someone to answer the office phone when we phone and without the services of our ladies and telephones / internet etc in the office, this cannot happen. There is some goodwill in the R300 of course. This goes to help old boys who request assistance for their sons to pay school fees, go on sports / cultural tours etc. Currently the MCOBA really struggle to help these lads as we don’t have the cash to do so. If we all just paid up our R300 it would really open opportunities up for the MCOBA to assist many more Old Boys in all spheres of the community. I challenge you all to see if you are paid up with the office and do so before the August newsletter goes out in two months time. Finally, I would like to pay tribute to two recent Old Boys whom I am sure many of you have been following on their trip to New Zealand with the Baby Boks. Well done Jesse and Daniel Kriel on your selection to the Springbok U20 team. We wish you well and hope that you guys manage to lift the U20 World Cup Trophy at the end of the month. Jimeleyo Ji KEVIN TRODD (1986)