McGregor Retreats Summer Arts Retreat 2019 | Page 25

ACCOMMODATION Complete your McGregor Retreat experience and stay on campus. Accommodation is available in the University Colleges within easy walking distance at the campus and includes breakfast & dinner. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT All electrical equipment (excluding camera and phone chargers) being brought onto the USQ Campus for class use must be tagged and tested by a qualified electrician. PARTICIPANT CONDUCT The University of Southern Queensland supports the principles of procedural fairness and values social justice, equal opportunity and the provision of a safe and supportive working environment, and as such all McGregor Arts Retreat students and tutors are expected to treat others fairly, honestly, and responsively and with proper regard for their rights and obligations. By enrolling in a class a student agrees to follow the tutor's instruction and not deviate from the program. If a student fails to follow the tutor’s guidelines, they may be asked to leave the class at the tutor’s discretion. If this occurs no refund of fees will be offered. CLASS SIZE Most classes have a maximum limit of between ten and fifteen participants. Please book early as once a class has been filled a ‘waiting list’ will apply. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A Statement of Attendance is provided to students that complete the McGregor Arts Retreat in its entirety. This includes the workshop hours and is signed by authorised persons. ACCREDITATION FOR BACHELOR OF CREATIVE ARTS DEGREE (BCA AT USQ) Students enrolled in USQ’s BCA who attend and complete three McGregor Retreat Visual Art Programs over the period of their degree receive one exemption (1 elective). There is a five year cut off limit to claim exemption and you must present your certificate and seek approval from the BELA Faculty Student Support staff. Got a question? Call or email to chat through McGregor Retreats. Tel: (07) 4631 1111 Email: [email protected]