McGill Journal of Political Studies 2014 April, 2014 | Page 4
from the Editor-in-Chief
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The McGill Journal of Political Studies is an annual publication that seeks to
provoke new thoughts, stimulate dicussions and entertain. With a long history
behind its conception, it has published many exceptional undergraduate articles,
the authors of whom have continued successful careers in academia. To extend
this tradition of excellence, the 2014 MJPS editorial board hopes to delight our
readers with the combination of exemplary articles and a refreshing journal design.
In this issue, our readers will find a wide range of articles. Pan’s original research
on Chinese politics showcases the quantitative aspects of Political Science. Caira’s research on Federalism poignantly illustrates the similarities and differences
between Canadian and Italian state structure. Weber’s insight into Germany’s
historical tension and foundation is both controversial and stimulating. Lajoie’s
research on Feminism in South America provides a unique angle on a global
social issue. Ooto-Stubbs’ characterization of the militarization of Japan is highly
relevant to contemporary politics. Azhar’s focus on Civic Nationalism in Pakistan
is unexpected and fascinating. Langer’s analysis of Roma issues sheds light on
an issue often overshadowed within the larger European Union issues. Finally,
Fainer’s article casts spotlight on a highly contemporary issue and provides a
stimulating discussion that challenges our preconceived notions of Asian politics.
Certainly, this journal would not be possible without the support of numerous
wonderfully dedicated individuals, to whom I owe an enormous gratitude. To
our editors and photographer, you have contributed time and energy far beyond my imagination, and your thoughtfulness, profesionnalism, and friendliness
have sustained me in the most stressful times. To Matthew Eidinger and Lauren
Konken, thank you for providing ongoing support on behalf of both PSSA and
your personal dedication to this journal. To Nouran Sedaghat, thank you for returning from our co-editorship in the previous edition of MJPS. Your positive
encourangement has been a wonderful addition in all our meeting. To Kyle Ng,
Esther Lee and Chris Liu, your design input and numerous other contributions
have been simply remarkable. This journal would not be possible without you all.
For our readers, we thank you for reading our publication and hope that you
will enjoy this year’s issue. Please continue supporting MJPS and our initiative to
uncover excellent undergraduate research!
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Editorial Board
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A Dichotomous Approach to Studying Anticorruption Practices by the Chinese Communist Party
Yishi Pan
18 |
Political Institution and Regional Tensions:
Lessons from a Comparative Study between
Canadian Federalism and the Italian Unitary State
Celine Caira
32 |
Immigration, Integration and the Threat to German
Democratic Quality
Valerie Weber
44 |
Los Madres de la Plaza de Mayo: Feminine or
Zoé Lajoie
52 |
The Militarization of Japan as a Postclassical Realist
Karlene Ooto-Stubbs
62 |
The Failure of Civic Nationalism in Pakistan
Zoha Azhar
78 |
The Effect of Accession to the European Union on
the Social Inclusion of the Roma
Alexander Langer
92 |
The Role of Strategic Choices in Shaping Regime
Trajectory: Comparing the Cases of the Philippines
and North Korea
Lewis Fainer
108 |
Political Violence in Balochistan
Mina Mir
Jimmy Lou
124 |