McDermott: Trends in Offshore Oil & Gas - GineersNow GineersNow Engineering Magazine Issue No. 021, McD | Page 22

In Search of An Energy Miracle Bill Gates shares his insights on the energy challenges facing the world today, and sounds his ideas on what can be done to resolve them. If you are reading this article on your mobile, tablet or laptop, then consider yourself lucky. And not only for having the opportunity to imbibe the nuggets of wisdom enlaced in it, but also, and primarily, for the chance of reading it on an electric-powered device. For most of us, it shall be easy to take for granted the presence of electricity in our lives. Some of us are just aused to watching TV or listening to the radio, dozing off while reading under the light of a bedside lamp, surfing the Internet to connect with friends or research for an assignment, or plugging mobile phones and seeing them fully charged in the morning. For most of us, electricity is ubiquitous, unobtrusive, that we forget that it’s even there…until it’s gone Imagine for a moment that your computer, mobile or tablet shuts off at this point. Perhaps the power went out, or your mobile gadgets ran out of juice. What would you do? I am guessing scramble (read panic) to find the fault and make your device work again. Long-press the power button? Check the plug if it’s still engaged? Connect your gadget to a charger? For sure. Now, your device works again. Am I hearing a sigh of relief? Yes. Good for you. Now, go on reading If in that short span of (imaginary) time, you felt helpless and unsettled with the thought of not having electricity to power your gadget, imagine what 1.3 billion people who do not have access to electricity feel? Some of them have electricity for a few hours a day, some have never experienced what it is like to have power.